How AI Helps Teachers Cook Up Great Lessons Without Burning Out

What Cooks Can Teach Us About Teaching

My wife is an amazing cook.

I hate to brag but it’s true; she’s just great.

Cooking isn’t a means to an end for her, it’s a passion. An art.

This is complimented by another one of her gifts - hospitality.

The richness of the food is paired with the warmth of the company.

In a commercial kitchen, the chef prepares the food, has it delivered, then remains cloistered behind the scenes.

A home-cooked meal comes with true hospitality.

Teacher as Cook

Think about cooking as a metaphor for teaching.

The vision is to cook up a delicious lesson then offer hospitality as you sit down and share it with your learners.

The lesson is consumed with warmth, relationship, and the spirit of a home cooked meal.

Unfortunately this happens less and less.

So many teachers find they can't offer hospitality because in preparing their lessons they've cooked themselves.

By the time they've completed all their preparation the lesson is cooked but they’re fried.

The Struggle of Modern Teaching

Perhaps this is why

  • 52% of teachers reported moderate to extremely severe symptoms of depression compared to 12.1% in the general population.

  • 70% of the teachers reported having unmanageable workloads.

  • 60% of teacher absences in the previous month were due to a mental health or emotional problems.

Our cooks are getting cooked.

How This Looks in the Classroom

Let me give you an example from one of my classes.

These are some of the things I'm navigating as I prepare each lesson:

  • A class size of 30 students

  • Nine different individual learning plans.

  • Fast workers, slow workers, and everything in between.

  • A spread of 17th percentile to 99th percentile reading level

  • Several students who need tasks simplified, two students who need extension

Preparing a lesson that engages every learner takes almost as much time to plan as it does to deliver.

What does this mean?

I can undercook my lesson or overcook myself.

That’s the choice.

At least, it used to be.

Cook Great Lessons, Not Yourself

The good news about living in a world infused with AI is that teachers no longer need to make the impossible choice between undercooking their lesson or overcooking themselves.

We can tailor, differentiate, and personalise more efficiently than ever before.

Let me show you how I cater to the needs of my class in minutes using MyTeacherAide:

We can ‘cook up’ an amazing lesson and arrive to the classroom with enough energy to sit down and enjoy it with our learners.

Benefits of Using AI in Teaching

The benefits are clear.

More and more teachers are starting to see it.

They can use AI to:

  • save time

  • be more creative

  • have a bigger impact

Give MyTeacherAide a Try

If you’re interested in using MyTeacherAide - there’s never been a better time to try.

Our individual plans come with a 7 day, cancel-at-any-time trial.

You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.

If you want to organise a free, 4 week, full access trial for your school, just reply to this email and I’ll talk you through the process.

Happy Teaching!

Paul Matthews, CEO & Co-Founder of MyTeacherAide


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