AI for Teachers: Challenging the Stigma
The Power of AI in Education
You know me well enough to know that I believe AI can be a massive force for good in education. However, there’s still a lot of stigma around teachers using AI.
Common Misconceptions About AI
This is why I get a slight eye-twitch when I hear comments like:
“AI will just make teachers lazy.”
“Nice lesson—did AI make that for you?”
“Why don’t you leave the gadgets alone and just do the job properly?”
A Simple Metaphor: Meet Jane
Let me break down some of this stigma with a simple metaphor.
I want you to meet Jane. She feeds hungry people, delivering bread to those in need every day. However, she faces a tough decision daily: when to turn back and who to leave without bread.
One day, someone gives her a bike. Suddenly, she can deliver more bread to more people. But does this make her work less valuable? Of course not! The bike allows her to do the very thing she signed up to do—only more effectively.
What This Means for Teachers
You are Jane. The bread is the learning, and the recipients are your students. Those out of reach are the students for whom the learning isn’t accessible. AI is your bike, helping you deliver more learning to more students.
The Benefits of AI for Teachers
AI allows you to:
Reduce text length
Simplify task instructions
Create retrieval practice quizzes
Generate rubrics for easy feedback
Develop learning materials based on student interests
You were already doing all of these things. Now, with AI, you can do them more often for more students. And I, for one, cannot see why there should be any stigma associated with that.
Give MyTeacherAide a Try
If you’re interested in using MyTeacherAide - there’s never been a better time to try.
Our individual plans come with a 7 day, cancel-at-any-time trial.
You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.
If you want to organise a free, 4 week, full access trial for your school, just reply to this email and I’ll talk you through the process.
Happy Teaching!
Paul Matthews, CEO & Co-Founder of MyTeacherAide