How AI Can Simplify Report Writing for Teachers

Reports Aren’t Easy

Let me tell you something you already know: report writing can be a slog. Last week, I spoke to a teacher who wrote 16,000 words in her last batch of reports. To put that in perspective, that’s like expecting an already busy teacher to write a novella in three weeks!

It’s no wonder that so many teachers take a ‘sick day’ or two around report writing time. But surely, we shouldn’t have to take leave just to do our job properly? Well, I’ve got some good news for you: AI can help.

The Could/Should Question

We live in wild times—progress is eye-wateringly rapid.

Ten years ago, if we were asking whether we should get a personal AI assistant to write report comments, it would have been purely academic.

Whatever our answer to the ‘should we?’ question, the answer to the ‘could we?’ question was no.

Now the answer is yes.

So, we can. But should we?

Just because something can be outsourced doesn’t mean it should be. What do you think? Spend a moment reflecting for yourself.

You could use AI for

  • part,

  • none

  • all

of your reports. What are you comfortable with?

The Best Path Forward

I think fully outsourcing the process is problematic. I’ve seen some software that takes an aggregate of the marks in the learning management system and makes an assessment. I’m not a big fan of this.

As a teacher, I want the content of my feedback and assessment to come from my own, deliberate, reflective thought.

I want the inspiration to be mine.

But I’m happy to outsource the expansion.

I reflect on student progress across several domains, write some simple words or bullet points, then feed that to AI (completely de-identified, of course), and it turns it into sentences.

Human inspiration, AI expansion.

How I Do It

Let me show you how this works in practice using MyTeacherAide:

That’s how I use AI to write report comments—my inspiration, AI expansion, genuine feedback in a fraction of the time.

Stay Tuned for More

I’ll let you know when we launch the feedback generator and other mini tools—keep an eye on your inbox!

Give MyTeacherAide a Try

If you’re interested in using MyTeacherAide - there’s never been a better time to try.

Our individual plans come with a 7 day, cancel-at-any-time trial.

You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.

If you want to organise a free, 4 week, full access trial for your school, just reply to this email and I’ll talk you through the process.

Happy Teaching!

Paul Matthews, CEO & Co-Founder of MyTeacherAide


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